Guinea Pig 101

Did you know that TLDOM assists with various pets besides dogs and cats? When choosing a pet for your home, we understand that you select an animal that is a good fit for your home and lifestyle.

Guinea Pigs are a great alternative if you’re looking to add an animal to your family but want something a little different. They are fun and full of personality. But, keep in mind, small does not equate to less responsibility. These cute, cuddly furballs come with a list of essential details to know - for instance, learning what their noises mean. Yes! They make a few different sounds, and they mean different things.

Knowing your pet’s sounds is how you learn what they are trying to communicate to you. One of the most common sounds you’ll hear from them is squeaks. Squeaking can indicate excitement, a need for attention, or pain. They also make a purring sound, which usually means they are comfortable.


Here are some other things to be mindful of when caring for your Guinea Pig:


1.     You’ll need an exotics vet – Guinea Pigs are considered exotics. When searching for a vet, be sure to ask.

2.     Pay close attention to sneezing or lethargy – These little bundles of fur are susceptible to upper raspatory issues like pneumonia. If you notice excessive sneezing, lack of movement, or a decrease in appetite. Take them to the vet right away.

3.     Guinea Pigs are social butterflies – It’s always great to get them in pairs, so they have some company. If two is too many for you, make sure you are prepared to give them lots of attention. They love snuggles and time outside their cage/playtime. Sometimes if they notice their favorite person in the room, they will squeak to get their attention; sometimes, they just want you to talk to them.

4.     Give them lots of space – Guinea pigs grow pretty fast and need extra room. They also enjoy running around.

5.     Fresh Fruits and Veggies are a must – Vitamin C is essential for their diets. Fruits are great, but not every day. Too much fruit could cause them to become diabetic. They should eat one cup a day of veggies (lettuce and bell peppers are a few of their faves). Timothy Haye and pellets should also be fed to them generously.

6.     Bedding- A few types of bedding that can be used; paper or wood. All are perfectly fine to use. Some even use fleece blankets. Wood bedding can sometimes give them allergies. You’ll be able to tell which bedding is a good fit for your pet.


Still, think Guinea Pigs are easier than cats or dogs? It all depends on how you look at it. They are an amazing pet to bring into your family. They are full of personality, and learning them can also be a fun experience. If you’re having some fun with your pet Guinea Pig, we’d love it if you’d tag us in a photo!


Tina Clark