5 Basic Commands to Teach Your Dog


Dogs are good learners that generally want to do anything they can to please their family and other humans they come in contact with. Having you and your dog learn basic commands together is a crucial element to help keep your pooch safe in all situations. If you can train them to trust you, and listen and respond to your commands, you are in the position to literally save their lives by preventing them from being hit by a car or staying out of all kinds of trouble.These are great tips, especially if you are choosing to adopt a dog. Establish a connection and trust with them through commands. For more information and tips on dog adoption check out the ultimate guide to dog adoption.

1. Sit

Getting your dog to sit is one of the first and most important commands to teach them. It is also the easiest to teach to your dog. After all, who doesn’t want to sit down? Because your dog will quickly understand the command, it will firmly establish control and make it easier to move onto other more complicated commands.

Use a treat to get your dog’s attention. When you guide its head in an upward motion with the treat, the butt should naturally go down and most dogs will sit without hesitation. If they are still standing with its nose up in the air, gently push the butt down to show them. Do not forget to give the good boy or girl the treat when the mission is accomplished.

2. Stay

For dogs that seem to be in perpetual motion, getting them to slow down is a challenge, and getting them to stay may seem impossible. However, once you have made the sit command connection, it will easier for you to get your dog to listen to you as they learn some self-control and patience, the two key lessons dogs learn with training, for their safety and your sanity.

Take it slowly if you have to. Let your dog get used to being still. Hold an open palm to them and once it feels like they are focused slowly take a step back. Then another, and another as the dog feels more comfortable. If they break the concentration and move, start over and move back more slowly until they get it.

3. Down

Getting your dog into the down position can be even more of a challenge for some dogs. An effective tip is to make sure the treat you are using has a good, strong smell and taste to lure your dog into doing what you want. Hold the treat in your hand and guide the dog down to the ground. Say “down” once the dog is all the way down and give them the treat.

Like getting a dog to stay, the down command may take time, encouragement and patience. Particularly for younger dogs, getting them to lay or sit still is a major challenge but will allow you to keep control over the dog and help to keep them safe as these commands get easier, and you both get more comfortable with them.

4. Come

Training your dog to come to you is one of the most important things you can teach them. If your dog will respond and come to you with you call them, it can get them and you out of some tricky spots. Getting them to come to go on command will open up the possibilities for you and your dog when you are out and about, giving them the freedom to wander, knowing they will come to you when called.

5. Leave it

Dogs are curious and want to stick their noses into anything they come across. The problem is some of what they come across can be harmful to them. When they learn the leave it commands, they will know not to touch and to move along to the next smell.

Working with your dog to learn these five basic commands will help to keep them safe and happy. The more comfortable the two of you become with the commands and responses, the quicker you can expand the commands into tricks and advanced communication. 

Abi Pennavaria is a dog mom, avid veterinary volunteer, and co-author of the Saved By The Bark dog blog. She enjoys sharing tips and tricks for volunteers and animal lovers through thoughtfully researched blog posts and veterinary quizzes.