This Lil' Dog of Mine

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Separation Anxiety Management for Pet Moms & Dads

As pet owners, we have all exchanged the inevitable “I left my pet at home, and they…” stories. Our pets miss us when we are gone and sometimes struggle to deal with their feelings. Let’s talk about when the roles are reversed. While we are not chewing up shoes or knocking over plants, separation anxiety for pet owners is a thing. 

It’s common for children to feel anxious when they are away from their pets. It also happens with adults. Symptoms can be feeling distressed about leaving the house or being distracted with thoughts of home while out. You may also experience physical symptoms like a racing heart. 

These are a few suggestions on how to manage separation anxiety. 

  1. Hire a pet sitter. Knowing that someone you trust is stopping by to check in on your fur baby helps ease your worrisome thoughts. 

  2. Create a checklist and review it before you leave home to be sure they have everything you need while you’re away. When we are away from home, most worry comes from wondering if you forgot anything for your pet. 

  3. Trust yourself and the love you have for your pet. Talk yourself through the anxiety that you feel, reminding yourself that you’re doing your absolute best to provide safety, security, and love to your animal. 

  4. When you return home, take a few moments to show your pet some extra love. They probably missed you just as much, and cuddles would do you both some good. 

  5. Install a camera system. A simple home camera that connects to your phone is a sure way to reduce stress. You could check in on your pet throughout the day, especially if you’ll be away longer than usual. 

Find ways to keep calm throughout the day. Keep yourself a little busier when your mind tends to wander the most. Your animals(s) may also experience anxiety, but they feed off your energy and will be able to remain calm if you are.