Nooooo Fido! Don't Eat That!

Happy holidays TLDOM community! We hope that so far, you've enjoyed this season of celebrating.

What's celebrating without a plethora of food, right? Let's face it; food is something to get excited about! With all the extra buzz in the kitchen and around the table, your dogs are probably just as excited to partake.


You might want to pause before you toss your dog a piece of whatever you're munching on or let them be on "clean up duty" for whatever spilled off the kid's table. Some holiday favorites are unhealthy for them to consume. People food can be harmful to dogs physically and maybe even behaviorally. 


Here are a few reasons why you should not:

1.     Begging – if done often enough, feeding your dog table food can result in unwanted begging during undesirable situations… i.e., company visiting or family dinner time.

2.     Weight Gain – Just as we want to watch our figures, the same applies to your fur babies. A few extra pounds may not hurt, but unwanted weight gain could become an issue depending on what's given to them and how often.

3.     Toxic ingredients  – ingredients such as artificial sweaters, garlic, grapes, raisins, almonds, and onions can all be harmful to your dog, just to name a few.

4.     "Grumpy Tummy" – Your dog eating the same foods as you could lead to digestive problems.


As you prepare to enjoy holiday festivities, we hope that your celebrations are fun and safe for you and your four-legged family members! If your dog gets excited over all the extra hype in the kitchen, keep their favorite snack on hand for them to enjoy. This way, they won't feel like they are missing out on the fun.  When they are not begging, reward them with one. There are safe and healthy human foods for your dog and even companies that offer recipes and prep. If you want to change up your pup's diet in general, feel free to check out our menu also.

Tina Clark