How to Make Sure Your Dog is Halloween Ready

Who’s excited that Halloween is actually happening this year?! We are so excited to dress our pups up in some creative costumes and have some fun! If you need ideas or inspiration for dress-up time, we’ve got some ideas for you! These can be solo customs or incorporated with your family’s theme.


1.     Dog & Owner Trading Places: Let your dog be the human, and you be the dog.  Grab a doggie wig for your pup and some doggie ears for you!

2.     Baby Yoda: because what is cuter than those big, green ears on your dog! This would play well into a family Star Wars theme.

3.     Starbucks Puppyccino (small cup of whip cream Starbucks offers as dog treats) – Pinterest has a plethora of DIY options for how to dress your doggy up like their favorite treat and yours.

4.     S’mores – For the couples who own a dog. You and your partner can be the Graham Cracker, Chocolate, and your dog can be the marshmallow. This is also an easy DIY option that can be a fun time for you and your family!


Halloween can be a fun and exciting time for you as well as your pup. If they are new to wearing costumes and the trick or treating scene, it would be a great idea to spend some time preparing them for an experience outside of the norm.  

·      It would be easier on them if you put your costume on in front of them. That way, you don’t go in one way and then come out looking like a weird human to your pet.

·      Purchase your dog’s costume several weeks in advance. Sit it out so that they can get acquainted with it, and try it on them a few times as well.

·      Walk your dog during the day and night around your neighborhood so that they can adjust to Halloween decorations at your home and others.

 We are all excited that things are returning to a sense of normalcy. Getting your pet acclimated after a life of quarantining and jumping into holiday excitement may take some preparation. The most important thing is that you all find ways to stay safe and have tons of fun!

Tina Clark